A Modest Proposal to the Protestors
Start killing the Police.
No, wait, hear me out on this. Everybody is all up in arms in the destruction of property — and have demonstrated that breaking property is far worse than the ending of a human life.
If you can kill a police officer without damaging any of the property that is associated with the police, it should be fine. Based entirely upon what I’ve seen people bitching and moaning about.
I mean, the Blue Lives Matter crowd is constantly bitching about over turning cop cars, having police tanks get dinged, their personal armour getting smudged — and about how much the Police is expending in ammunition.
Would you think about all the tear gas canisters the Police are having to use on you? That is money the Police are not going to get back at all.
The Police Officers’ lives have not really been in any danger. So… the title of “Blue Lives Matter” is clearly some weird misnomer. But bitching about having a misleading title is just silly… we all know they mean “Property Being Kept in Mint Condition Matters” — we don’t need it to be explained.
All because you are upset about somebody who got killed. Acting like having the Police killing indiscriminately isn’t something that can be protested over. As the main argument about the Police discriminating, is that “no, here was this one white dude. The cops also kill them… so the police killings are completely fine. Stop whining and complaining.”
You need to understand the priorities of society in order to argue your point to people.
Owning a plant that you occasionally use to feel good, is the only crime worse than maybe putting some paint onto something that the paint isn’t meant to be there.
So, because the death of people isn’t that big of a deal — as it clearly the life of a person isn’t that high in value… it only stands to reason, that what the protestors need to do, is start killing the Police.
But try to do so in a way, that makes it so the Police property is generally as undamaged as possible. Like, leave the cop cruisers, tanks, armour and guns in the best shape you can possibly do so. I mean, if they aren’t mint, you will still get complaints — but it is a learning process here.
It is indeed a learning process to get here.
We’ve learned that Peaceful Protest is just awful and the worst. How dare you kneel!
We’ve learned that trying to explain things to people is the worst — as it just gets listed as fake news, and “violating free speech”
We’ve learned that rallies are viewed as the worst… well, provided they don’t have guns.
In fact, there was an armed protest where people were waving around guns at police and government officials — and apparently that was 100% cherry.
Now the media is bitching about property getting destroyed and all that.
It has been a learning curve to get here… and well… the whole time, it has been shown dead people is a completely okay thing to have happen.
The Only Logical Conclusion: Kill the Police, Protect the Police Car.
I mean, death is completely okay, right? That is what people keep making out as the case. So… if we can just keep the Police Property intact — and kill as many of them as we can without damaging anything that isn’t a living creature… everything should be cherry.
It is clearly just a whole misunderstanding here, really.