Cancelling the Number Zero harder than Pluto got Cancelled
Oh yash, biotches. Yesterday, I went after the notion of deterministic past and suggested an explanation for probabilistic past.
Today, I come after the Zero as a Number. Zero has had it good for far too long.
Much like Pluto, I will make Zero cease to exist once I’ve developed the technology to blast it apart with a laser beam powerful enough MWAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I mean… uh… it will continue to exist, but not in the way you desire it to exist
Zero does not represent a value, but a boundary
“Nothing Does Not Exist” — Bradlen Grahang Hayesm, Ideal For A Dragon
The first stumbling point here, is that Zero is closer to Infinity, that it is to One. Well, more, you can swap One with Infinity — and not have much different change for the range you’ve given.
See… Nothing Does Not Exist.
I will repeat this most important phrase… Nothing Does Not Exist.
We associate Zero with the notion of “Nothing” — but in actuality, it is closer to a common vantage point. Often used to indicate what status quo should look like.
In business Zero represents the Status Quo.
In Chemistry… it… well, not quite as much Status Quo — as we measure temperature using Water. Which is really weird, as Water is just a trippy fluid that behaves like insane nonsense. We might as well have a unit of measurement based upon Fungi or Giraffes.
However, when you measure something with a scale. 0kg or 0lbs does not mean that you current exist in a place where Anti-gravity is occuring. In fact most scales will register negative weight in the freefall that most space crafts orbitting call “zero gravity”
No idea what this little scale my neighbour uses to measure out illicit substances would do if it was located in a Lagrange Point. I’ve not figured out how I would draft the letter to NASA for them to run experiments to find out.
Either way, the 0kg or 0lbs on your scale, just refers to the force of gravity’s effect on the scale at that local geographical point. As gravity is not entirely consistent across the surface of the planet — and not all the scales weigh exactly the same amount (they weigh similar, but not the same). This is why you need to “zero” your scale.
Zero as a verb, not a noun
“So, odd story, I actually was in the need for forty watermelons and thirty toothbrushes one day. It started […]” — Daniel von Wondershluctsh, Musings for the Villainous Vagabond
Nobody suggests you need to infinite something. Well, not at this current point in history at the very least. Though, it would be a very easy addition to how the current Maths get done to have that as a way you do something. Like… infinite the 3.145[…] in an equation.
However, suggesting you “zero” a bit of equipment is another way to suggest you need to re-calibrate it, for better accuracy in the current environment.
This should have been the biggest clue to people, that Zero is not a hard number — but a boundary defining concept.
Zero is the point at which you suggest is the basic starting point. Negative numbers mean you are moving “backwards” from the starting point, and Positive numbers mean you are moving “forward” from the starting point.
Mix this with Zero being something you can approach, but you can never arrive towards — this puts Infinity as being in a similar situation as Zero.
In that just like Infinity not being a number, so much as a Maths Concept, Zero is also not a number — but its own variation of a Maths Concept.
Zero does not refer to nothing — as negative numbers would indicate “less than nothing”… which is insane madness. Zero refers to the middle/mode/mean/medium/average, between negative one, positive one and imaginary one. It is also the medium/middle/mean/mode/average between negative infinity and positive infinity.
Next, I explain why One is only half a number
Perhaps all of y’all ain’t ready for this — irregardless I will put this in here for a bit.
One itself is a type of Infinity. However, because it is the building block that all other numbers are constructed from — it needs to be a number in some way. Yes, Infinity is part of the other numbers — but only in the very specific type of Infinity we call “One”
Now, some Maths might be able to reconcile a concept interacting and constructing the numbers with in, simultaneously. Acting as a type of boundary that upon getting close enough towards, is assumed to be that boundary… but… that is not particularly consistent enough for Maths
So for the purpose of consistency, One is only half a number. It is half a concept. Allowing it to interact with numbers — but also allowing it to be a form of Infinity.