Current Monster Hunter Generations Plans
So, this isn’t a proper technical story or anything. Hell, it isn’t anything I expect any of you to give a crap about. It is just my figuring out how to tackle my character build in MHGen.
I’d usually just call it MHX — but it looks like their is different DLC for MHX and MHGen. So yeah… I suppose MHGen isn’t a redundant tag holder.
First off: I suck at this game
As much I’d love to come across an expert and have all comments on my game play be comments targeting somebody who knows what the hell they are talking about…
I’m not the person G-Rank missions and new monster variants are added into the game for.
I’m still struggling at getting into HR4 rankings.
Second off: Sporadic Network Connection Means Solo Gameplay
So… I’m well aware this stuff is SO MUCH easier if I can just jump online into some random ass room, and work to improve my ranking with three other assholes, whom statistically are going to be as bad as me (if not worse). Maybe I’ll luck out and get some experienced player slumming it — because Unity Points (it is why I’ve done some many HR1 quests online).
Most of my work is to get to the point where I can kind of do HR2 missions not entirely terrible… HR3 missions are a challenge for me — and I doubt HR4 missions will not be kicking my ass.
Preferred setup
I typically enjoy using Dual Blades. When I started playing with Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, I found the Dual Blades were the weapons I fell in love the quickest.
I am working on learning two other Melee weapons, and a long range weapon — as to allow me to do more of the Arena quests. As it turns out the Arena does not have an option for Dual Blades on all its missions. So I need to know other weapons.
I have different tiers of the weapons I’d be working with.
Second Teir Weapons
My two second tier melee weapons are the Lance and Hammer. The long range weapon on second tier is the Heavy Bow Gun.
Hammer is simple: the aerial style with the Hammer looked fucking nuts in the promo videos leading up to this game’s release. In MH4U, the Hammer was pretty much replaced entirely by the Hunting Horn. Mostly since they both work with Exhaust/Stun damage, but the Hunting Horn had better options.
In MHGen I can go flying through the air wielding a Hammer.. and not have it because the local monster sent me flying through the air.
Lances — as a weapon, was a weapon I accidentally discovered in MH4U. I was upgrading my Gunlances. I wasn’t paying too close attention, and I managed to upgrade myself a Fragrance Lance. At which point I realised: Lances are for glorious assholes. I looked closer at the Lance options I had access to at that point… and it was clear, the only people who’d go into battle with Lances were complete and total assholes.
So it was at that point, I decided I should figure out how to make decent use of Lances.
My Lance set up is going to be more of an Evasion based set up. I’m going to need to review some Youtube videos on how to do that.
For a long range weapon — in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate I was noticing I was having some issues figuring out how to place my hunter in the right spot to get the proper damage. I figured the best way to learn, is to start making use of a weapon that did not allow me to “cheat” as easily with approaching monsters for them to bite off my face… or something. So I started practicing with Light Bow Guns and Heavy Bow Guns.
Essentially, the difficulty in moving around easily, having to get into a decent position to set up a shot and trying to avoid getting hit — actually has a decent side effect where those skills do (somewhat) transfer over into how you handle Melee weapons. Just provided you do not let your muscle memory interfere with the transferable skills.
Third Tier Weapons
Again… because the arena is generally inclined to have missions that don’t feature any of those weapons up there. I have also some third tier weapons to practice — but not as much as Second Tier Weapons.
Sword and Shield is something I want to look into, mostly thanks to the legendary piece of shit in Kotaku Village (that is what that village is named, right?). Actually… its name isn’t in Welsh, so I cannot really state it is a legendary piece of shit. Since a lot of the games have a SnS that you can pull in the games… figured knowing how to use a SnS MIGHT be useful. What with coatings having now been introduced.
Big Sword is another weapon that is on the Third Tier. It is/was a Second Tier in my MH4U attempts to not suck. It is moved down to Third Tier to make it more decent for time management.
Switch Axe is commonly in Arena Missions… so it is good to know.
Also on the third tier is Charge Blades and Gun Lances. With Light Bow Gun being a third tier practice weapon.
The idea is to go through, practice missions with these ones just slightly less than Second Tier weapons… and well, my Dual Blades will be used an insane amount of times.
Armour Setup
I enjoy having 15Psychic, 10Perception and 10Ranger for how I handle my armour. At this point, it isn’t really reasonable to fit more skills onto my armour. As getting 15Psychic AND 10Perception is a pain in the ass.
Right now — my armour only has 15Psychic, 10Perception and 10Ranger… but I do want to work in more…
I also want to have Quick Setup, that Mushroom eating one, the Capture-Guru/Expert/Master thing for extra stuff afterwards. With a few Fate based skills… and Sense being set to -10.
Sense being set to -10 is meant to aggro the monsters as that is how Dual Blades is suppose to work.
Similar reason why I also want to know how to decently make use of Health Horn, Demon Horn, Armour Horn and Detox Horn. So that went I can consistently get online, I can be really really loved by people making use of HBG and LBG. Also the monsters… the teeth and claws is how they show the love. Right through my cranium.
Tackling Order
So… most of my attempts to not suck at Monster Hunter is mostly just to practice, practice and practice.
Initial Goals
For any of the monsters I have access to right now, the idea is to do five village missions against them with the Dual Blades. That is to the capture five of those monsters before moving onto the next step. Except for the two Elder Dragons I have easy access to right now.
After I’ve gotten five of each of those monsters captured — it is time to go to the offline Hub and capture five of them there sing a Dual Blades based set up.
At that point, the next step is to go to the village, and go through my monster list and make certain the number of captured monsters (captured monsters will be the number of) 15. This is making use of my second tier weapons. The idea is that I will learn how to move around the map, learn how the monsters fight and also learn how to handle movement in the game better.
Then going back to the Hub… and work on capturing 20 of each monster with my second tier weapons.
Going further, the idea would be to have each of my second tier weapons have more than one hundred missions used each.
Farming Scenarios
I will need to farm Dash Extract and Pale Extracts. As Dash Extract will be VERY useful for Dual Blades and Lances from HR4 onwards. The idea is to just constantly be using Mega Dash Juice for the entire mission. Which involves attempted genocides on Gypceros and Khezus. Gonna kill so many of those damned assholes, I’m going to personally put them onto the endangered listing.
Ha ha ha… just kidding — these monsters clearly reproduce via spores.
Also Kirins… going to go Unicorn hunting. Going to see about killing like one hundred of these thunder unicorn dragon mother fuckers. I just saw this monster for the first time in MHGen… and knew I wanted to kill a metric fuck tonne of them.
Arena Stuff
So… I kind of want to do the Arenas until they all are at A class status. Maybe even an S-class. Where I’ve gotten an A-class finish with three of the weapon sets that are given as an option. This is partially because the Arenas give access to some good equipment. Not just in MHGen — but also in MH4U.
Also… I do kind of want to eventually be one of those assholes who tackle those DLC Arena Challenges, that don’t give any new equipment and don’t have their leaderboard rankings show up in guild cards (or update when going online). These monsters clearly exist so that players can just challenge themselves to prove how awesome they are.
An Entire Wardrobe
So… until I end up getting into HR4 ranking… there is only a small amount of armour choices that can actually fit into my wardrobe. So… let’s go through and get all those fashion items.
Once in HR4, I’ll sell any of the armour options that have better options appear with the missions above HR4. As again… getting those clothes is about the practice and effort put into getting those clothes. You know — so I can have enough play time so I can just not suck ass.
Other Games
These skills seem to cross over from other Monster Hunter games. So… down the road, I do intend to purchase a better SD-Card. As I can get cards insanely more spacious for really cheap at this point (I went and did a price check the other night).
So on the Nintendo Market thing… I would purchase (and download) Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Possibly look for a used copy of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. If not — also maybe purchase it as a downloadable game, I guess?
Once I get the better SD-Card, I can redownload Demon King Box and Shin Megami Tensei-IV. Find more hidden content of Demon Box King (or whatever it was called)… and maybe actually finish Shin Megaten 4. There is a chance the card will be quickly filled with free downloads, and other game stuffs. So… I’d not count on me not fucking that all up.