>Do I care what is the “standard male appearance” is?
Yes… you don’t know you care, but you do.
>May be the problem
>is that you feel too envious at the sight of a woman some men are finding
No… it is more that talking to an interface designed like a porn star feels awkward after a while.
It would be like if Barry White was the interface for this stuff. It would be funny at first… and sure, I might enjoy his dulcet tones. But I can understand it would make people uncomfortable.
It then moves into, “you still have Barry White as your voice interface? Great…”
>The interface is usually designed in order to maximise profit.
Generic statement that is somewhat correct.
>At this moment of time the technology is young and the most
>likely person to buy a product because of such gimmick as “personal
>assistant” is a man who likes gadgets,
Did… you just contradict yourself here?
The idea is to maximise profit! We are going to target a niche audience and go for a tiny profit!
Like… your previous sentence contradicts this.
>which is why the mobile phone PAs have female name and voice.
Who cares about profit? This is a niche market! Yeah!
Seriously… try to actually listen to yourself when you are justifying something stupid.
>As technology progresses, the mobile phone owners will be able to
>personalise it and if you wait for couple years, I am sure you will be able
>to change the name and a voice on your phone to a male voice you might
>find attractive.
… actually, I generally prefer ncurses and CLI based interfaces.
The thing is… when I routinely see people using Waifu interfaces to get stuff done for them… I’m just more inclined to stay in my ncurses and CLI based area.
It is fucking awkward to go out of there.
>You can modify the voice on your GPS, can you?
I typically don’t use a GPS. I don’t trust computers enough for it. It comes from knowing how to program them.
>Which voice you have chosen?
I use a paper map.
>I personally have a female voice on my device.
I use a paper map. I know how to use a compass. I’ve noticed I’m less inclined to give directions that violate traffic laws.
>I noticed my wife did not bother to change the default voice (female) on
>her car — I guess she does not care
… probably because she doesn’t want to fiddle with the insides and break it.
The worry of “breaking electronics is common”
>(probably not been so obsessed with
>modern feminism like some do, probably because of having some
>inferiority issues).
Or maybe because I understand human interactions and am not an asshole?