Don’t Get Sick While Rupert Murdoch Sells Newspapers (Corona Virus)

Katrina Payne
4 min readJan 29, 2020


So, I have a flu and or cold — because it is cold and flu season where I am living. So I’ve opted to wear a face mask to keep me from spreading my germs. They are my germs, I’m not sharing — being greedy and keeping all these cold cooties to myself. You no touchie.

The issue is, newspapers have been doing a reprint of the Swine Flu… or was it the Bird Flu? No it was the Chicken Flu! Oh wait — it was Pig Flu? Maybe it was H1N1, H1N5, H1N4 or H1N23b6? I prolly got the last one wrong — as it didn’t get out too much, as it is really hard to push FUD with something like that. I mean, I know people don’t like the latest Star Wars (a tradition kept alive since Return of the Jedi!) — so having a news story about how H3N6R23 is going to have people asking which Star Wars is that robot from.

Now, luckily the current edition of how the Chinese will kill us all — that they swear is totes real this time, and not like the other times — has a silly name.

Which is what they use to spread it. By claiming the ONLY reason people are not taking this super seriously is because its name is silly. Not because we’ve literally had a story about how East Asian people are different and will get us all sick and we will die by having them integrated with our populations about two times a year going now… and many of them are the exact same story, but with some names Searched/Replaced to make it seem different.

Honestly, I’d suggest making a “East Asian Flu Pandemic” generator that strings together letters to look like the Pinyin of a East Asian city name (well, if you are drunk and have only heard about East Asian stuff from a friend who hasn’t been sober since Nixon was in office) and comes up with a random animal the size of a large dog or smaller to claim it is from. The issue is, I’m worried it will attract the attention of people who are just looking for any old reason to be an asshole to people because they have a bit of extra skin on their eyelids. Rather than understanding the reason to be an asshole was inside them the whole time — it is because they are an asshole.

I’ve gotten fun from both sides… people who think I am wearing my mask for reasons other than “I have a flu, and I nearly flunked kindergarten because I suck at sharing”… and East Asian people worried that I’m going to be another source of nonsense and grief for them. Which, not much I can do on that front… and it annoys me.

The reason we’ve had sickness show up in various East Asian cities and locations is because of human rights violations happening to people there. Conditions that people have to live in. Conditions that people like the Ruport Murdochs of the West would love to set up. However, in order to do that, they cannot point out what causes this yearly “Neo-Bublonic Plague That Is The T-Virus IRL” without, I dunno, having people interfere with those sorts letting those conditions to set up.

Instead, they take a group of people who have something to make them look different — and thus be different. An inhuman evil — and it is actually that red hand of evil (in this case, a slight increase of skin on eyelids… which isn’t quite as cool as what Shakespeare did for theatre stuff… kind of boring really). That way people are too busy otherising a group of people instead of actually doing anything constructive towards it.

It should also be noted we don’t have any plague fear coming out of The Flint Reserve. Because that would be hard to do without interfering with putting that pipeline through. A pipeline they clearly don’t actually care about — otherwise they’d be having it in good working order.

They don’t actually give a crap about oil — it is just an excuse to be mean to people they don’t find aesthetically pleasant.

They don’t give a shit about the Swine Flu — or the Budweiser Bug — or whatever they will be calling it in a couple years when they dust this story off again, and just change the names that happen in it.

They just want to be mean to a group of people on mass. Heck, most of the stuff they make there doesn’t even get sold. It just ends up in the trash.

And at the end of it all — try to not get sick while Rupert Murdoch is selling newspapers.

— Lamia



Katrina Payne
Katrina Payne

Written by Katrina Payne

A mixture of several spicy hot take opinion pieces and apocalyptic log entries from an unfiction ARG

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