How Long Until ASL Starts Appearing in My Dreams?
Well, I did recently purchase some books to help me have less excuses on not working on learning ASL. That is how people phrase that, right? Not “to work on learning it” but instead “work on having less excuses to not work on learning it”, right?
The books I have seem like they have all kinds of decent interesting information… but I really don’t know much about ASL. So I could have grabbed shit books and have no clue one way or another
They seem like really good books at my current skill level. One is a book full of lessons that break down information. With sections that seem to encourage jumping around. Like the section of the Sign Alphabet right towards the start that says, “people generally find the Sign Alphabet ridiculous and there are SO many better ways… but because people keep insisting this isn’t a ridiculous way to do something, here is this section. Mostly to demonstrate that it isn’t the awesome life hack to ASL people keep insisting that it is”
Also right at the start is a section on the history of being Deaf and ASL. Which… uh… wow, people are fucking total assholes to the Deaf. Prolly think they wouldn’t clue in on account of not ever hearing of it. Deaf history is pretty much, “so… it looked like we might get something good… and oh hey, that is more just a warning some really really stupid bullshit is coming up. Then they acknowledge it was bullshit — except they really didn’t, and have people only a tiny bit of stuff that was nice… and oh shit, more stupid bullshit coming up”
The weird landscape of my dreams
“Dreams are thought to be the knowledge you picked up during the day being sorted into your general other working knowledge. Like opening up a zip file in NotePad… things look weird” — Anonymous
So, I’ve never had the issue of not being able to read in my dreams. Well, not being able to read English. Books exist — and generally are very well structure and put forward
Maths is also something that is generally very well formed in my dreams
That being said… the amount of Broken Spanish, Broken French, Broken German, Broken Japanese and Broken Korean that appears in my dreams is fucking over the top. I tend to gloss over it when I describe dreams as it is mostly just background elements like describing a tree
Do people generally describe each tree in their dreams? Or do they just go, “I entered a forest” — and have it implied there are trees there… and not explain what the trees look like?
I mean, I explain when I end up in forests full of Birch Wood Trees… as well, that is kind of a weird set of imagery to deal with — and lots of space between the trees, as Birch wood tends to poison stuff around it
But, the general appearance of trees everywhere, vines, bushes, shrubberies and what not I tend to not mention — as it is just a normal background thing for dreams
The same is true with all the Broken Spanish, Broken French, Broken German, Broken Japanese and Broken Korean that shows up everywhere
This is odd, as there is no Broken Welsh, no Broken Latin, no Broken Klingon, no Broken Esperanto (well, hardly any Broken Esperanto — it is rare to show up), no Broken High Valaryian(sp?), no Broken Swahili, etc. — all of those are languages I’ve glanced towards. Like glanced at and was all, “yeah, one day I’d want to work on knowing those”… and like acted in way that people might even be convinced about stuff
This is mixed in with how the non-English writing also shows up. I have Futhark Runes on stuff, there is also a lot of Hangul, Hiragana, African Geomancy Symbols, Tarot Symbols and Cree Syllabulary on stuff. Most of it is in weird orders that I generally am not able to follow — and most cans, boxes and containers are labelled with confusing mixtures
I’ve not encountered anything like Hangul Mixed in with Hiragana
But there is a certain point where stuff starts being more common in my dreams… like the Demon Talking System from MegaTen games (though, you can usually just speak with most of them), various Pokemon from Pokemon (weedle appears everywhere), Project Diva/Project Mirai style beat maps, DDR style prompts, Tetris Tetrominos, Side Scrolling game mechanics in a 3d space, Monster Hunter style stuffs — and Wario Ware type stuff. As well as a bit of Lemmings style stuff
I’m kind of curious as to figuring out what point of doing stuff it ends up showing up in how I navigate the Night Plane of sorts… and well… it also is causing some self esteem issues. Like… am I just not working hard enough on some stuff?
I mean, guitar stuff will only sometimes show up in my dreams — though it isn’t as rare as Esperanto stuff appearing… it is still rare
Makes… me feel doubt, you know. That some stuff will show up quicker than others. Like, stuff I barely understand fuck all about — will appear quicker than stuff I’m working really really hard on doing stuff with… and like… do I just not care enough? That pisses me off! I want to care enough! Why am I so useless as to not care enough?
So yeah… just a bit of a set of idle thoughts that are bothering me as of late