How the Alt-Right is attacking the creators of Hazbin Hotel
So, some of you might not have noticed that there is an awesome cartoon on YouTube. Well, the pilot of said cartoon at the very least.
You might also have noticed some weird ass nebulous apparently controversy around it.
You might have noticed some weird arguments in the comments where people are replying to an account that isn’t there — or that some half-baked not fully formed accusations have started to filter into the Vampire Castle.
Well, one of the left’s policies have been, “take accusations seriously”… which is often translated into, “all accusations are factual” — and well, the Alt-Right have known about this for over a decade now. They’ve also been weaponising this with Cat-Fish accounts in the left for some time as well.
It appears to be a two prong effort from what would appear to be a group of no more than fifty. I might only be fifteen. Quite a range, right?
On various platforms that attract people in the pipeline, or people who want to validate their views on the Alt-Right they are touting this show as “something the left hates and is super triggered by”. Even though there isn’t ever anything substantial to claim this. Except for a couple sock puppet accounts pretended to be leftist snowflakes.
On various platforms that have a more left leaning crowd, they are having a few weasel words and rumours slip in. The rumours are always super vague and never fully stated. Mostly meant to try to get outrage — and any attempts to question it is met with the usual, “if you don’t support my outrage, you are helping them oppress people” — without any actual attempts to explain what this means.
Oh right — the left has had a large issue with the alt-right posting stuff from catfish accounts. This has been going on for quite some time now. Their goals are usually either:
- Make the leftist space into an alt-right space, via slowly twisting and corrupting the policies of that space.
- Make the leftist space into a horror show that they can be all, “see! This is why the left is bad” — with it being the biggest clown party possible.
In the case with Hazbin Hotel, they seem to mostly be working to try to isolate the creators in an attempt to have them work as part of the pipeline. By manufacturing an appearance of outrage in the comments — and at the same time, trying to coerce various leftist groups from distancing themselves from them.
The signs are all here to be seen — as well most of the people on the left talking about the stuff the creators do behind closed doors are really really vague and not ever actually fully stated. It is kind of like listening to Jordan Peterson try to explain stuff. In that he never actually ever explains anything — but keeps making noises from his face hole. They don’t really need to explain stuff, as well, the Vampire Castle is about being outraged at the current farm that Snowball has ran onto. To show how much of a good upstanding citizen you are by poo-pooing the current villain of the show.
On the other side where the effort to impress people already in the pipeline — there is a large amount of catfished leftist accounts that have gotten deleted that were in the YouTube comments. Making it so a bunch of arguments against motherfucking ghosts are happening throughout the place. Most of the replies to outraged leftists are to accounts deleted for violating the terms of services — and what little is left of their comments is. Well, pretty much stock boogeyman type statements for people in the pipeline to be satisfied that Social Justice Werewolves are hiding under their beds, so they best all be good little children. As the Social Justice Werewolves only eat the bad children… and that is why they are bad.
That being said — it is fairly early on in the whole cycle, and it is possible to try to counter it from happening.
Why target them? Well, they did manage to make a pilot to a cartoon without network funding — and well, that kind of capacity is very powerful.
Eh… not sorry this is written like shit. I’m more interested in jotting this all down — and seeing how it affects the mix. Somebody else can do it up better… or maybe nobody will, and this version will circulate as the main thing talking about it.