I just tell people that the term “millennials” is for when people want to say “damned kids” followed by “git offa mah lawn”… but want to do so without self-awareness of what they are doing and all the conviction some old coot who has let senility interfere with their abilities to properly manage situations — but refuses to acknowledge he might not be the same as during their prime.
They are scared — they have one foot in their grave. Rather than face that fear — they instead project onto the younger generation. Act like it is really the kids that frighten them. But it is more just their own irrelevance in the scheme of things that frightens them.
Oh… and you do get some cool elderly people. These are the ones who don’t badger kids for doing stuff — as they know they did bad stuff when they were younger. They are the ones that know the torch will need to be passed to move on with life. The ones who know that they need somebody to take over — and they are probably deluded about their own abilities anyways.