In Offense of Shane Dawson
So, Shane Dawsons whole nonsense has gotten kind of cold and stale — and well people have moved onto the new thing to jump at all rage like.
Let’s heat it up with another Patented Weapons Grade Hot Take
CW: Shane Dawson, Horse Books for Young Women, Romance Novels for Young Women, The Voyeuristic Natures of Parasocial Relationships, The Exhibitionist Natures of Parasocial Relationships, a Defense so bad it is best viewed as an attack
My Experiences With The Daw
“… Nobody calls him ‘The Daw’…” — Review by xX420Strawman69BlazeItXx
I mostly have interacted with Shane via watching his older YouTube sketch comedy. Which — yes, were problematic, and yes — they were offensive. That being said, they weren’t hateful — and more often than not depicted the people who held shitty views on other people as being stupid and awful.
That being said, I was aware of the Podcasts he was in, where he essentially bounced ideas for edgy humour jokes off of other people in the Podcasts. Some of these jokes would end up getting polished into a sketch on his YouTube channel. Though by that point it would come across completely different.
There is a difference between well polished writing, and nonsense you produce off the cuff off the top of your head. For example, this blog exists as the latter. I’m fairly certain that after an extensive amount of polish, this material could look like something I could lie about getting published in The New Yorker.
To take it further, suppose I were to say something like “slung onto that black sexiness like a Clydesdale” — that should raise eyebrows. Am I talking about black people? Am I talking about having sex with a horse? Either way — it comes across as uncomfortable no matter which way you slice it
Now, perhaps I were to have it turn into a draft for a story were I to have a young girl romancing a wild beast of an outsider. One that doesn’t trust and has been hurt in the past — one that only that young girl can make into a more functional part of society.
Let’s just ignore the similarity between how Horse Books feature the young girl taming the wild black stallion, and how young adult novels featuring a female lead romance their male suitors. In fact, you will tell yourself to never think about that connection ever again. That connection does not exist at all. Stop thinking about how similar the taming in Horse Books is to how women romance in young adults — it is unproductive!
This being said — I think I have greatly demonstrated how an awkward poorly formed offhand comment could be turned into something a bit less awful with a bit of editorial work, research and bouncing it off of other people around you.
If Shane was predominantly doing sketch comedy, as oppose to Parasocial Relationships — there is a chance this would be all his douche baggery would be known as
The Voyeuristic Notion of Parasocial Relationships
“The act of people watching is a very dangerous sport with many pitfalls that those new to it must learn to avoid” — Daniel von Wondershluctsh, Musings for the Villainous Vagabond
I never really bothered with most Podcasts that exist. Streaming for the most part isn’t what draws me into anything. I will watch the highlight reels — but I tend to get really bored watching most streams. The vast majority of the Pod Casts out there are just really really boring nonsense of people talking with each other
This isn’t to say there haven’t been some Podcasts of people hanging out I’ve enjoyed over the years. Unpopular Opinion was one I listened to quite a bit for a while. However, that podcast stopped being interesting when it left the website Cracked.Com. As it only really was interesting to me as a foil to the main Cracked.Com Podcast.
I did enjoy listening to SootHouse for a bit — but that was only when it was a bunch of voices talking over other content they found elsewhere. It was mostly the other content and their reaction that was interesting. Once it moved into parasocial relationship stuff, it became weird.
So, the biggest issue, for me, at least, with Parasocial Relationships… is it doesn’t feel like I am socialising with people. It feels like I am holding a pair of binoculars in a bush outside the home of somebody hosting a group of friends.
The bush smells of sex. I could claim it wasn’t me — but that would be a waste of time. As that is exactly what I _would_ say if it was me that caused that to happen. Now, I am aware that there is a lack of bushes in prime binoculars locations to do this Parasocial Relationship that do not exude that smell of sex.
Now, this isn’t to say I cannot enjoy Parasocial Relationships in smaller manners — but something else needs to be the focus. Otherwise, I just start to feel creepy. Like… maybe there is a very easy explanation as to why I’m not in with the group of friends… but here… in this bush with a very distinct smell.
Howard Stern v. Shane Dawson
“Shouting Martha will never stop being funny” — Bradlen Grahang Hayesm, Ideal For A Dragon
So, what exactly is the point where Howard Stern became mildly annoying but harmless… and Shane Dawson a total Nazi?
Well, back when Howard Stern was still relevant, there wasn’t as much of a movement to subvert radio with Fascist Propoganda. Radio already had Rush Limbaugh. They really didn’t need to get Howard Stern onto there side.
Besides, at this point, Howard Stern didn’t quite gel with the imagery that Racist Pieces of Shit were trying to go for their aesthetic at this point in history. If anything, he clashed with their aesthetic.
Shane Dawson, however, when he was doing his shock edge lord comedy, was operating in a medium at a time when Fascism has rebranded and was now the coolness of a current generation.
Fascism in the 2010s can be very nicely compared to Poochie from the Simpsons.
Now, having vaguely heard a couple the unpolished turds of jokes that Shane Dawson tries outside of his Sketch Comedy… Shane Dawson is the kid who will say anything to get people to like him. Like… a total Toady Sycophant of sorts.
His jokes, when given context, are equally “unable to read a room” and “trying really really hard to fit in”
He is like a really really stupid puppy. One that spends most of his time nearly getting himself killed. Being adorable, while constantly running into things that would spell instant death from the puppy.
It is these awkward sorts that Fascists walk up towards, and be all, “you know what is cool? Hating black people… and the Jews” — presumably while smoking a cigarette — because smoking makes you look super cool.
All the jokes that are awful and not cool… were from Parasocial Relationship Gather stuff… and were essentially just him being all, “hey, I’m cool too — and not literally a total huge dork who is really thirsting for acceptance… ACCEPT ME!”
Then the Alt-Right walks up, and was all, “yeah… we thought that was funny as well — and we will accept you” — which I’m trying to not imagine Jeffery Star not looking fabulous while in that role.
But how can the Alt-Right accept Shane Dawson? Well… he is white. He is also bisexual, so there is the notion that they will eventually “fix” that part of him. Jeffery Star is mostly a pet to them — as is any of the black people they keep around. Not actually human — but that won’t stop you from keeping a puppy, a cat or a pig if they are tame and docile enough.
Well, if his Ex-Partners Didn’t Speak Up That Is
So, some of his Ex-Partners have shown up, and revealed he is kind of an abusive jackass towards them. Which is the weirder span in this set of works.
We nearly had a narrative of him just being a total dork who has no clue how to interact with people, being seduced by people who wanted to use him as a matyr to their cause. Essentially allowing the small puppy dog to walk into something that hurts him, and blaming them Liberal Cuck Snowflakes. With most of our interactions with him, being part of the weird perverse modern day Peeping Tom economy.
Which I think goes to show that I don’t think anybody is really comfortable with what Parasocial Relationships deliver and give. I don’t think anybody is deluded about them sitting in a bush that smells of sex with a pair of binoculars, looking at people in somebody else’s house having fun with each other.
People just try not to think about this case of them sitting in a bush that smells of sex with binoculars — as this is totally cool and normal — and just okay.
Most of Shane Dawson’s defense hinges on how fucking weird Parasocial Relationships are… and it would have worked too — if it wasn’t for his Ex-partners speaking up about him and his bullshit.
Ooh… bait and switch. Though, nobody actually reads this far through articles.