Increase in me socialising with East Asians thanks to Corvid-19

Katrina Payne
2 min readMar 15, 2020

So… my life has been a long list of strange happenstance that even upon reflection continues to puzzle as much as it perplexes. There was a joke about the book Catch-22 being a highly relevant book to how my life works out. With some of my life being blamed upon my pregnancy being affected by reading a lot of Spike Milligan during its duration.

The more recent one is… well… people who usually consider me to be a violent psychopath who fights way too much… sitting next to me. Not necessarily talking with me, persay… but when there are other places to sit, opting to sit next to me.

Now, I don’t think of myself like an ultraviolent sadist with intense anger issues who cannot go for extended periods of time without bloodying my fists. Though… most people who are that, prolly would not view themselves in such a light. That being said… there are several East Asian cultures that put a kibosh on anything even remotely related to violent actions. I understand the standards method of self defense is Japan is to quietly reflect on what decisions put you into the point wherein somebody is attempting to harm you. That and hope that they decide to go away if you just smile and laugh a little bit.

So, because I have a bit of healthy boundaries — and recognise that maybe I could work further on improving them… it puts me into the “rude violence America” category… despite being Canadian. Mostly because I not only have the ability to tell somebody “no” — but I am completely capable of following it up with saying, “and fuck you for even asking that, you fucking asshole.”

This has resulted in some elderly women counting how many fingers I have on my hands and being mildly surprised when I’m not missing any of them.

So yeah — I’m not going to force them to sit next to me. That would justify the views that exist about me.

This is the situation that has me noting how weird it is that I’ve had the increase in East Asian people sitting next to me. Especially once it gets around a bit that I’m not going to be an asshole regarding the Corvid-19 pandemic — and will get upset with people who are being total douche bags and using that as an excuse.

This really bothers me… as this pretty much puts me into a similar camp as Godzilla. I doubt that I will be able to work on the things that have interacting with me as being viewed near the Godzilla Threshold while the Corvid-19 thing is going around. I do understand that maybe some self-improvement on my part could be possible… but gosh darn it.

So yeah… fun times… fun times.



Katrina Payne

A mixture of several spicy hot take opinion pieces and apocalyptic log entries from an unfiction ARG