Katrina Payne
3 min readApr 20, 2020


It is because America keeps attempting to make a profit off of COVID-19.

You will notice that it spreads worse in countries that are more Conservative — and have less social safety nets to fall back upon when disaster strikes.

The answer isn’t that hard to figure out. “Oh hey… the countries that attempt to handle this without having a huge profit on their bottom lines seem to be doing just peachy, relatively speaking”

That being said… yes, Canada is not doing perfect — nobody is — none of us are Deities Walking Amongst Us making certain that the seals stay shut because we were taken down by people who barely understood agriculture and going against nuclear weapons seems like a Bad Idea(TM)©(R). We are all humans here — and prone to error.

Canada’s big issue seems to be the French, and Old Age Care Homes.

I literally tried to be all “THE FRENCH ARE TO BLAME” in the worst way possible… and disappointed that my way was just too lame.

Abuse in Old Age Care Homes have been the punchline to sitcoms since at least the 80s. Where the joke was, “well, if we don’t like him we will send him to the old age home” — later the joke got more progressive and also targetted women.

It has been long since been knowledge that those places are death traps, and mostly for families that hate their grandparents — with it being treated as a punishment in the Adam Sandler movie Happy Gilmour.

So yeah… when it turns out, “oh no… these places that are literal hell for Old People that already have issues with high levels of STI outbreaks — and why grandma has ten different strains of Syphilis all in different stages, because she prefers it when the men raw dog her… the Pandemic is cleaning them out like crazy”… I’m just here all, “uh… yeah… we’ve needed to fix this for decades”

Going further — we’ve have decades to set up a safety net for this. Not due to this specific virus — but for the “Inverted Pyramid” with there being more old people than young people in society. Old People who are more susceptible to disease.

Now, the Inverted Pyramid was mostly listed as a problem of “how will we make money, when the majority of the population doesn’t have jobs due to being retired”… but that was solved by putting social security into politicians back pockets and just having nobody ever actually retire anymore. Retirement is a myth — that people just believe in happening. Then when people don’t retire, we blame them… for not doing something that realistically was never an option for them.

Nobody really thought, “wait… what if all these old people get sick with something that causes pneumonia all at the same time — with them being the biggest demographic in society”… which, that is actually a good thing. Anybody who would have thought that is an awful horrible broken terrible person. So… uh… good job on… not being psychopaths in this way… I guess?

So… even with Canada’s issue… it is also, “yeah… we could do with more social safety nets for when shit happens… as well, it still needs to be cleaned up”

But in the States… the whole matter has been a whole thing, “how do we make money off of this”… which anybody who enjoys the Plague Doctor Aesthetic can tell you how intelligent of an idea attempting that really stands to be.



Katrina Payne
Katrina Payne

Written by Katrina Payne

A mixture of several spicy hot take opinion pieces and apocalyptic log entries from an unfiction ARG

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