I’ve yet to really see too many numerology things that lead to “you are just an average ordinary person. Probably just a janitor at a vomitorium”
On the other side. Tarot Cards are more like a version of the Rorschach test that is less easy to be fucked up. Which are the strength that Tarot Cards have. You have each card that means a simple note. You have positions that mean their own thing. Then when looking at all this information your brain will give it meaning — which is where you get the help from it (and hard to get the same thing from other methods as easily).
Most Tarot readings are the deck of cards bitch smacking you telling you, “stop being an idiot about this stuff”
Now, if you compare this to how African Geomancy operates and IChing operates… this more just more elaborate ways to have your decisions decided by flipping a coin. Which sometimes people need to do — just decide via a coin flip. It makes things move quicker and you aren’t dwelling on stuff.
With Astrology — that is more just people noticing certain patterns repeat themselves (like people in tight jeans, people in baggy jeans, people back into tight jeans) and attempting to not just guess when to plant crops, produce children and do all kinds of stuff… but to try to have this scale to what could happen over various decades, centuries and millenias… to a certain amount of success.
So yeah… that is my understanding of things.