Masturbating to Anti-Christian Imagery
So, as much as I generally will look to be one to post anti-christian sentiment… my views of it are more “eh, if people spent more time reading the book, rather than using it as a tomb of power to gain political status, it might be less problematic.”
It seems many people think that the Bible works in much the same was as equiping Mages in the Fire Emblem series. You just hold it, open it to a random page, and chant the message on it — and then receive power over a crowd from that.
It would make about as much sense as if you tried it with George RR Martin’s Song of Fire and Ice Series (Which… I would love to see body count statistics comparisons being done there). Just go around, holding a book that reduces the font size of the series down to 8pt, puts stuff onto two columns — and run it through google translate until the text size of each book is made smaller… and then use it to prove bikinis are terrible, and people above four feet tall are abominations — and whatever else would have George RR Martin shaking his head going WTF.
Now, for some reason people seem to think posting anti-christian shit is a good counter. Post a couple articles declaring all christians are monsters and terrible — and pretty much Nero Ceaser rising from the ocean — or something.
This doesn’t work. This does about as much as masturbating into a sock for how it works to change how the Bible is being equipped onto Political Mages as a standard distributed weapon to deal a decent amount of damage.
Don’t believe me… post your anti-christian image… and then note all the changes. Then masturbate into a sock. Observe your results. Get your friends to also do it. Hell, to change it up, try masturbating into a sock first — wait for changes (and not them) — THEN post the anti-christian images.
It is a GREAT exercise for feeling better about yourself… but other than feeling better — it really is not going to do anything.
My suggestion for making it so Political Mages are less able to equip the Bible Tome and do… something (seriously… how people misuse the Bible these days just bewilders me for the most part)… is to point out how the Sins of Simony and Avarice are both running rampant and should be dealt with.
Now, tackling down upon the Sins of Simony and Avarice will not alone solve all the other problems with the church in North America… it will make those problems possible to be dealt with.
I don’t think removing the Bible would really do much good for an advantage either way.
Even from a purely literary perspective, the Bible does have some themes regarding character development that yeah, seems terrible by today’s standards… and yes, there is some material from back when the original parts were written did it better. However — it has had a huge influence on most modern day literature. Also, it was written by a bunch of people who generally were not literate, and it was came up about one thousand years prior to the invention of the printing press.
If you wish to take the various messages regarding human nature from it — as though it were to be an indication of events that happened (even though that is not required)… well, there are some ways to make it easier to handle.
First you are going to need to learn how to read/speak Ancient Latin, Aramaic, Coptic, Ancient Greek and Hebrew… as let’s be honest — people complain about translation flub ups in cartoons from Japan that are mostly just twenty two minute advertisement for a girl’s pink plastic toy. Yet — people are all like, “yup, nope — this part with the Spoony Bard in the King James version has no reason to be questioned at all.”
In circles that make an effort to understand the bible — they generally tend to dislike the King James version. I mean… it was an early attempt to translate it into a language that had a lower barrier for education to have the masses comprehend it. You know — like what people who use Windows OS, iOS and OSX will tell you, if you start talking about UNIX style command lines.
It does not mean that people will tell you that Windows 95 is a completely fine operating system that has no issues to it what so ever. I mean, it was an important step in handling how operating systems was to be done — whether that is fortunate or not is a completely different discussion… but historically, it was important to where we are today.
So — as you learn the language the original text is in, so as to avoid various King James Spoony Bard flub ups. Seriously… that edge lord angsty SNES crud has more people talking about how its stuff was poorly handled. And people don’t get political over SNES games… er… people who are not true scotsmen don’t get political over SNES games!
Eh… still having issues with this editting system… >.>’
Well, the next step is understand different Prophets are more important than others. And that they generally change their mind after various interactions with the Abrahamic God. So the Prophet Ezekial will say one thing — a bunch of… Lovecraftian bullshit will happen — and then the Prophet Ezekial will write his new opinion while, presumably, hiding under something while fervently praying.
Typically the the Apostle John is out ranked by the Prophet Moses… who is then out ranked by every other prophet because Moses is not a really well regarded Prophet by the Abrahamic God.
To determine the ranking of the Prophets, you pretty much go with how skilled they were with miracles. A method that Elijah did with his actions during his first world tour. Then after his second world tour (or during) these actions were used to handle the Biblical villain Simon Magus.
Also… don’t bother with Revelations. It is pure trash, and not really worth your time. Yeah, most people just jump into it for the first part. That makes about as much sense as trying to have a well informed opinion about weather patterns and marine biology by watching the entire Sharknado movie series. I mean, sure, you can be well informed of the events of the Sharknado movies… but… it probably has little helpful information for other avenues of education.
Though… the annoying part is the people who tend to complain about “how corrupt and terrible Christianity truly is” are usually from people raised Mormon.
Look… the Mormon faith has about as much to do with Xtianity as Tara Gilesbie’s My Immortal has to do with the Harry Potter series. Sure, yeah — there are some trappings of the original source material. It however goes against many elements and portions of the canon works. I mean… and lets be honest, Tara Gilesbie’s classic My Immortal probably has more to do with Xtianity than the Mormon faith does.
I’m not a Christian myself — I worship the Eldritch things from realms beyond our comprehension and understand that soon the stars shall soon be right and we shall enter a strange Aeon where Death has died… but the real issue is the power hungry politicians misusing what is actually a somewhat okayish book, with themes of the nature of human kind — and giving outlines for “how to not be a total asshole” prior to our modern day invention of “Labour Laws”
I mean… as much as I like to imagine a starbucks on every corner in the Legends of King Arthur… or them using dialup internet during the Epic of Gilgamesh… that is because I’m an asshole with a weird sense of humour. I understand we have some pretty recent shit we take advantage of — that people have worked hard on.
Also… with how often people attempt to misuse the Abrahamic God’s words (or just misunderstanding them) how the fuck do you think it would go over if he attempted to explain computer literacy to his various followers? I mean… Leviticus and Deuteronomy is pretty much Prophet Moses having to go back and forth deal errata over people trying to not follow the rules looking for loop holes… or just rules not being clear. The rules are limited for the time they are from… and even then they probably didn’t even understood what they were being told. Try imagining how they’d react with the Abrahamic God explaining which way toilet paper rolls are suppose to go. I mean… we are seeing what is being told by a VERY flawed human perspective of people who were drunk and illiterate. Have you ever tried to explain logic to somebody who was drunk and illiterate? Then have you ever seen what they retained for being told?
I think the Jews have it the most correct with their handling of the Abrahamic God’s words… in that they admit they don’t likely have any proper understanding of what they truly mean, and are probably fucking it up. With the only person who truly knew the Abrahamic God’s will being the Prophet Elijah… with the rest of them only able to make educated guesses and do the best job possible they can. And who knows? Maybe the slub over there is getting it more correct (or at least less wrong)? Don’t ask me.
Kind of a lengthy article… but at the end of the day… Anti-christian images are about as effective as jerking off into a sock. Hopefully this stuff will give you a better idea of how to handle this stuff. I mean, I’ll still go around pointing out how the Sins of Simony and Avarice need to be dealt with — but I’m not any kind of prophet for the Abrahamic God — I’m likely to be incorrect about stuff myself.