Operating Systems As Cars
This little bit of a silly joke is likely to be something I will regularly refer to with some future articles I end up writing.
BSD (Berkley Software Distribution)
This is a crew serviced weapon. Much like operating a tank, BSD can do a lot of things, and do those things with a level of quality that you’d not be able to see below operating a tank for it. However, much like you cannot operate a crew serviced weapon with one person — to get proper use done with BSD, you likely will need multiple people operating the system to allow for decent work.
Somebody to go in and make certain the system is up to date, running smoothly, check the kernel configuration, etc. Then somebody to actually do any productive work.
This makes BSD about as much of a useful system for a desktop as a crew service weapon would be for day to day errands such as going to get groceries, picking up the laundry, etc. You can do it… but… This does not mean there is never a time or place for BSD
A project car. Something you can get parts for online, and have a huge community around it to help you perfectly tune your project car for the best usage. Generally allowing you to avoid having to get a new car quite as often — and will generally help you with proper maintenance or a motor vehicle as you get really good at producing the project car.
Definitely something that anybody who makes use of a vehicle regularly should look into attempting. Also more inclined to be the really reliable vehicle with a reputation with the people around it.
Microsoft Windows Operating System
Ford motors. Everybody remembers the Ford Pinto, the Ford Explorer and the Ford Model-T1. Make an explosion, and people will act like that is all you do. Hell, people remember the Ford Econoline and E-series as “the raping wagon”. The sort of van that if it is parked outside of an elementary school or middle school the police are phoned. If the driver acts like they don’t understand why the police were called on them — there are dead bodies hidden somewhere.
What people don’t remember is how Ford did not need the bail out during the whole bail out hearings. How Ford has not only held on in the world with those fuck ups — but has actually added to help and develop in the automotive industry.
Microsoft is... kind of the Ford Motors of the computer software world.
OSX and Apple iOS
An electrical car, and a mini-electrical car. These systems are status symbols that people get to have people look at how awesome they are. They generally do not hold onto much for practical use outside of city based errands. They are not for road trips. They are not for commutes that go to the farther suburbs (not unless you want to recharge as part of your commute). They don’t even do the feel good shit you want to think they do. Between the coal power electricity that has you polluting worse than with fossil fuels and how much damage just making a car causes — you’ve actually became more of a problem to the world.
What is more — because of the limited range that electrical cars have… you’d have done better to just ride a bicycle.
With the OSX and iOS… it is barely okay for your basic internet errands. Productivity requires specific expensive tools for use on the systems. Except in the case where you’ve ported stuff from Linux or BSD (which… negates any reason for using OSX and iOS). For art projects and music projects there are much better products available on other computer systems. With older Atari Microcomputers getting more fame than Apple systems.
An German built station wagon with fake wood paneling. It looks kind of nice. Hell — maybe it was fashionable at one point that you could hold it over other people. It won’t get as much people into you as a good person than having an electrical car — even though technically is a better thing to use and much less destructive to stuff.
It does everything and it does everything well. Just you look like an unfashionable asshole when you use it. It has a long lasting life — and if you take care of it, it will stick around for longer than anything should actually stick around.