Weird Seering Dream
So, I spend most of Thursday and Friday asleep. Uh… yeah — been a bit stressed lately
CW: Mystism Stuff, Odd Takes, Doing Witchcraft Wrong, Being Wrong on the Internet, May upset Science-Bros
So, it was Friday Morning — I woke up for an hour — and then got knocked out again
The “Dream”
So, the whole dream, I am informed I am not dreaming, but having an out of body experience. The notion is that if I am outside my body it is easier to see the flows of time — as the body anchors you in time — and removing the anchor allows you to get lost in time
Able to see all the possibilities, the outcomes of events that aren’t possible — and the long list of nonsense that make viewing the flows of time completely incomprehensible. Making seeing how things play out less of a useful skill — and more like one of those skills that only cause problems with doing stuff
Thinking of it like knowing Typography. It doesn’t really help you in anything… and it has you suffer knowing of bad kerning
Once outside the body, I decided to use a crystal to seer for as much as I could. Needing to seer and see the various time streams and how time flows and moves together in a weird panic. A panic from not being able to remember three months in my future. A panic from the notion I do not have enough seer energy inside myself
The crystal I used was my own heart. I was hovering outside my own body, using my own heart to sort through the temporal streams — for several hours, from about 0500hr until 1330hr — just trying to take in as much of time as I could
Turning and moving my own heart — which exists in multiple crystalline parts — in an attempt to better focus on the future. Like some kind of telescope pocket watch make entirely out of crystals
Oddly enough, I did pick up, that I could do this sort of tuning with Guitar Chords. Just essentially hit several chords and notes in a rhythmic order to allow my crystalline telescope pocket watch heart to move its dials to focus on different sets of future events
So, that is a good reason to practice guitar more often
This is an odd weird anxiety dream to have. Not the first time I’ve had an out of body experience with an anxiety dream… but yeah… good times. Good times