Why I’m okay with Sapiosexual being on people’s profiles

Katrina Payne
5 min readApr 25, 2021


So, I’ve seen some images with people getting upset about people posting Sapiosexual — and saying they should stop. I’m going to say: go ahead! Post that stuff! So I can know you are awful and can skip past you quicker

CW: Dating Media Discussion, Social Media Discussion, Catch-22 Quotes, Asshole Dissection, … this is an article where I am egging on stupid douche bags to do something that isn’t in their best interest — this should be sufficient warning

Girl holding up a Soy Wojack meme image with the caption of “I drew you as a soy Wojack so your opinion is wrong”. Soy Wojack meme has crying man saying “You can’t just <something bad>” with a bearded man to the right saying “Yes.”
This article essentially

Do it! You scumbag! So I know that you are freaking awful!

What exactly is Sapiosexual?

“Wait? Who is Carol? Oh, I thought her name was ‘IQ132’ with how much she kept saying that number as her identity. Does she call herself Carol, or are we dead naming her?” — Kevin Dimpstyrle, Navigating the Good Ship Inc

Like most things, there are two versions of the definition. What the people doing it say it is about — and what it actually is about. Think like TERF or Incel or Men’s Right People

What it actually really is, is a bunch of Incel douche bags who are VERY racist and sexist. Generally they are Science-Bros, Irrational Rationalists (thanks Robert A Wilson for that term) — and lack any and all self awareness

Generally worshiping IQ Tests like they aren’t a rather flawed thing to go with. IQ Tests literally are based on a French Kindergarten Test — that America when dumb and completely misused and mismanaged. Much like how Rorschach Blots ended up getting miss used

They hold dogmatic views on Science — generally stuck in the Liberal Mind Prison. Oh, Liberal Mind Prison is where people think they can rationally determine how accurate stuff is in a subject without actually reading the source material

Often they are what is termed Naytheists or “Valley Girl Atheists” — where they don’t actually not believe in god. They just dislike Evangelical Christian Parishes, on account that those are horrible — and will then treat EVERY Faith and Practice like it is Christianity. I mean, yes, Boodoo/Hoodoo DOES include some Catholic Stuff (People tend to complain Catholicism is just a step away from Paganism anyways). But acting ignorant of The Yoruba Faith, Hinduism, Shiek, Shinto, Buddhism, etc.. only shows that you don’t actually believe in Atheism… you just hate how a lot of Christianity tends to have played out

I mean, there is a insult to suggest that Satan is the most important figure in a lot of Christianity Parishes — but that insult is just as true as saying the Abrahamic God is the most important figure to a lot of “Atheist” groups — scare quotes necessary here

They are usually just the biggest dumbasses, and lack the self awareness to know this — and actually believe they are the brainy smart ones with the good thinky bits in their skull pan

The definition they use is “they find intelligent people attractive”

Why they done gone and hosed themselves

There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one’s own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn’t, but if he was sane he would have to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn’t have to; but if he didn’t want to he was sane and had to.

Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle. “That’s some catch, that Catch-22,” he observed.

“It’s the best there is,” Doc Daneeka agreed.

— Joseph Heller, Catch-22

Look, even if you are a demisexual who likes people who aren’t dumber than a sack of hammers. Any amount of self-awareness should have you know not to post this on any dating profile

As Dunning-Kruger and Imposter Syndrome will make it so that you NEVER actually have anybody who is intelligent reply to your stuff

Imposter Syndrome works out so that most skilled people generally aren’t able to know they are skilled. They see others as more skilled than them, due to others having strengths they do not have — mixed with these people being more familiar with their own weaknesses than those around them

Dunning-Kruger is the effect that has it when you learn stuff, you end up learning how much you don’t know. So the more and more you know about a subject — the more and more you don’t know about it

Essentially, what you know you don’t know scales exponentially compared to what you do know

This makes it so the only people who really think they fully and completely understand something — are the people who have never actually looked into it

So, the ONLY people who are going to respond with “yes, I am intelligent” are people who have NO CLUE about anything — and don’t even know they have no clue

Anybody with any self awareness will know that stating you want people who aren’t dumb as a sack of hammers — will know that you don’t list this, otherwise you will ONLY get people dumb as a sack of hammers

Move into making Sapiosexual a slur, much like how TERF is a slur

“I’m crying because all of those horrible people
Chased me into this scary cave.
I think it’s because I’m so racist.
Get your hand off my tail you’ll make it dirty.”

— Flight of the Concords, Albi the Racist Dragon

So, we all know how people are talking about how TERF is a slur, or how Boomer is a slur… what we need is to start having the people who proudly put “Sapiosexual” onto their profile claiming it is a slur against them

And consider how people who talk about “Sapiosexual” are in practice — it really won’t be long until the term Sapiosexual has as much negative weight on it as TERF and Boomer have gotten on them. Which is what got people claiming they are slurs. Those words are not in fact slurs

With the sort of people that put this stuff on their profile — essentially telling on themselves — it really won’t be too long until people are all, “fuck this asshole”. The “fuck this asshole” effect will end up taking over the definition of the word “Sapiosexual”

So, go ahead you freaking silly dumbasses without any self-awareness. Tell on yourself — and let me know you are a waste of time. Put “sapiosexual” on your profile so I know not to waste my time with your ridiculous nonsense



Katrina Payne
Katrina Payne

Written by Katrina Payne

A mixture of several spicy hot take opinion pieces and apocalyptic log entries from an unfiction ARG

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