Working to Fix Some of the Many Issues with IQ Tests
IQ Tests are psuedoscientific Woo-woo. They all act like all the tests are equivalent — they aren’t. They act like their scores make sense — they don’t. They act like they actually measure intellect — they really don’t.
CW: IQ Tests have been used to justify racial violence and also hurt some white people allowing for a “But the Irish Defense” — while pretending to be about measuring Intellect, a concept that has not been properly defined (and thus unmeasurable, due to lack of definition). This article is an attempt to improve what IQ tests claim to do, as an attempt to deal with these notions
My last article talking about “Retard” had some blow back as apparently there are some people who claim people with Mental Health Disorders are all stupid idiots. Which is, apparently, why you aren’t suppose to use that word. I’d have an easier time following that notion if the term “Retard” shared a similar air as “Thug” — which doesn’t necessarily require me to insult an entire population of disabled people to convince me to not use it
The notion of Genius or Retard exist in the same world as “does drugs” and “drug free(TM)©(R)” for how it tends to actually function for harming people in the modern day world. The people against the notion of recognising some people are stupid tend to be of the same camp that suggest drugs are bad. Despite drugs being awesome. Beating up Black People because they have a bit of a plant in their car — not as awesome
We have had a movement to recognise that drugs are awesome — or at the very least not the evil shadowing substances that make somebody no longer a good upstanding white Christian that they were advertised in the past to have been. With the vilifying harming some people who were not BIPOC — but at the end of the day — nobody gave a shit about the drugs. They just wanted an excuse to be an asshole to BIPOC. Part of what had this come to the light was analysing the various elements and claims made about the Evil Space Caligula of Doomy Death that media made drugs out to be
“I had a puff of weed once. Now I am black. Drugs, not even once” — my summary of most Anti-drug campaigns
The next step to handling the current issues with “scientifically” and “medically” measuring Intellect, would be to work to fix the various issues with the current tests that do exist and people think are “totes real brah” — so that they can be better understood for existing next to the test kits on having psionic powers. I mean, I enjoy those test kits… I’m not use it to justify sterilising a BIPOC woman. Intelligence Tests are just as flimsy in their nature — but they’ve gotten better marketing
Again, I am aware intelligence has been used as an excuse to do shitty ass bullshit to BIPOC — but let’s be real, the people being assholes to BIPOC will use any excuse. Best you can do, is affix onto Familiarity Bias information that makes it harder to accept the Familiarity Bias that racist douche bags keep screaming about
I’m fairly certain the blow back from the last article is mostly a case of the “But the Irish” defense actually being taken as a reality. When most of the people harmed due to “low intelligence” were oddly enough BIPOC for some odd reason. Funny that coincident. Many of the people upset over this seem to think it is because of intelligence — and well — not people finding any old excuse to be a douche nozzle to BIPOC
Does this mean I shouldn’t shout “420 BLAZE IT!” or have a flag with a cannabis leaf on it, due to it having been used to justify being twenty bags of shit stain bread loaves to BIPOC people in the past? Naw — that justifies the people being assholes to BIPOC people
In the case that the term “retard” ends up on par with various versions of the n-bomb and the new usage of the word “thug” — that exists in the same space as “frick” does to the word “fuck” — I will not take down these articles, as there is a good chance these articles will end up being part of the reason why that connection ends up getting made by a sizeable amount of the population
Mind you, “rape” was also used to justify harming BIPOC in the past — with so many of the people in the list of “false rape charges” being oddly BIPOC during the Jim Crow era. Does this mean acknowledging rapists as existing, and referring to people as rapists is hateful towards BIPOC because such accusations fudged over a large amount of them? I, personally, would say no — but I also am a bit of an asshole myself — and mayhaps I am, in fact, in the wrong on that one
Irritatingly enough though… the amount of people who fall for the “But the Irish” Defense by people being violent towards BIPOC is really irritating to deal with
I hope, that with this modification to the IQ measurement system, we can get this shit sorted out a little bit more
Fixing the Measuring Convention
“Wait? Who is Carol? Oh, I thought her name was ‘IQ132’ with how much she kept saying that number as her identity. Does she call herself Carol, or are we dead naming her?” — Kevin Dimpstyrle, Navigating the Good Ship Inc
There are literally retards out there that will declare they are “127” or “136” or “149” or some crap like that. What does that number mean? Nobody actually knows what that number means — least enough the fucking moron that quotes those numbers enough that it kind of ends up replacing their name
Maybe when you know that “100” is the average IQ. But why the heck is the average 100. And hell, what year was that IQ test taken within? As the average IQ has been going up steadily
I propose a Measuring convention of three parts. Negative/Positive Sign, Group Number, Group Position, Test Name and Year
Group Number — Negative or Positive
“Nothing does not exist” — Bradlen Grahang Hayesm, Ideal for a Dragon
First off, drop having the average population being “100” and replace that with the direct middle of the largest body of scores from the population be 0. If somebody is so gosh darn average to get a zero, that is an accomplishment. It will be generally a statistical anomaly — and also a sign there was an issue in running the tests
On either side, you will group populations into four groups. With +/- 1 being the largest group on either side, +/- 2 being the second largest grouping — but between +/-1 and +/-3 naturally. +/-3 being the third largest — and of course +4 being the smallest on the right side, and -4 indicating brain death of some kind — or some issue with having taken the test
A score of -4 should be used to indicate the Test was incorrectly done in some manner, just FYI. This is on top of a score of 0
This will create seven major groupings that will give a bit more information on where the test taker stands within regards with the rest of them.
This will also have 0 be based upon the largest hump of population scores — and will generally make it so that tests that most people do well upon will have the hump move towards the right, and ones most people do not do as well upon will have the hump move towards the left
Grouping Segment
Now, beyond that, within segment +/-1 you will have that followed by a millicent. Due to zero being based upon the biggest hump of populous data for test taking, group +/-1 _will_ have more people. So within that group, your next score will be the millicent _within_ that group you did better than for +1 and the millicent _within_ that group that did better than you for -1
For +/-2 due to these sections comprising a smaller amount of the population, the following number will only be a percent. With it being the population you did better than for +2 within +2… and the population that did better than you for -2 within -2
For +/-3 it will be a number of one to ten. To indicate how many tenths of group +3 you did better than within +3 and for -3 it is the tenths of -3 who did better than you
For +4 will not have any following number, as such a matter would be redundant. Also, getting too many +4s will be used to indicate an error happened along the way, or that a test hasn’t been ran often enough — or some other signs of issues
For -4 being a sign of either brain death or more likely, an incorrectly administered test — it also will not have a number following it. 0 will also not have a number following it — as you are already special enough to be the exact middle. Or, again, the more likely option is the test was not properly administered
The Name of the Test and the Year Taken
A common myth is that all IQ Tests are equivalent and the same. No idea why this myth exists — because it is fucking stupid and not even close to any form of resemblance in reality
So part of how to get a better handle of measuring intellect, would be to have a barrage of tests taken — and to have each score include the name of the test being done
Next, since the Average IQ is regularly rising, and a score of 100 in 1990 would be a score of ~80 in 2020… having IQ scores not list the year taken is kind of a waste of a measurement of any kind
This would result in anybody giving their scores giving a list that would look something like
- +2.65-EBN-2018
- +1.678-DAV-2018
- +3.1-OpEd-2018
- +1.231-TruVi-2018
- +2.66-DoCh-2018
- -1.001-NAOv3–2018
- -1.002-NoBChan-2018
- +2.10-EviBa-2018
- -4-BataBa-2018
- -4-DoboDa-2018
Which, yes, they are all over the place… because that is what happens when you take several different IQ tests
This would also have the side effect of people who go over these test scores to get a better idea of what each test actually tests, and the sort of people who do well and not as well with those tests
It will make it so that the tests that BIPOC score poorly upon routinely will get a reputation for that — where as right now they are generally anonymous. People act like that anonymity is proof those tests do not exist
Every one of those scores means so much more and gives so much more information that “118” and what not
Test Expiration
“I passed my drivers test though — and no where in that drivers test did it require me to wear my seat belt.” — Kelleyixie Glenba, Ideal for a pixie
So, you know how people keep mentioning how the average IQ score keeps changing? With what counts as 100q today, being something like 117q back in ce1989a or some crap? Shouldn’t a proper measuring system take this notion into account?
Part of this new system would require people to retake the tests every five years. This could be used to catch various brain degenerative disorders much quicker and easier. This could be used to determine if something in your life has you scoring higher or lower — completely changing how this stuff works
We Don’t Know If You Can Improve Your Intelligence
Yes, common wisdom states that your Intellect will never increase — but we do not have any proper scientific studies to state that
Because that statement is not falsifiable
We can test to see if doing certain exercises will result in the person being able to get a better score on a couple specific tests — and even then, we don’t even know if that is the case either
Because current IQ measurement methods treat all IQ scores as the same, there is a chance that there would be an increase as demonstrated by one test — but another test was swapped in, treated as equivalent, when it might not have been — and give garbage results
Having people return to each test every five years will stress test each intelligence test enough to have some thrown out — and new ones attempt to be added into the bundling, with the goal of attempting to measure intellect in novel and unique ways
This system will only work, if people are run through SEVERAL tests every five years. If the amount ever drops into a single digit, the system is broken and no longer working, and to be considered invalid
If a test moves into an area where the hump removes the ability to have a health +3, +2, -2 or -3 population set — that test is to be dropped. If a test has a population of 0 comparable to +4 as oppose to -4, that test is also to be dropped. If a test has a population of +4 comparable to its +3 then it is to be rescored or dropped
Yes, Capitalism will mess this up — but if you were to not do something under the notion that capitalism will mess it up… well, you are now in a messed up scenario as even not doing something has been messed up by Capitalism. You’ve put yourself into a position of paradox. Please try to avoid paradoxing yourself further in the future
So many people act like the measurement of intelligence is a Medical Notion or a Scientific Notion — when it is neither
Hell, that last article’s main set of complaints kept mentioned that some scientific papers used the word “retard” to justify it having medical meaning
There are some scientific papers that mention stuffing a beak with lavender to stop the Miasma from giving you the pestilence
It doesn’t matter which papers are more recent — they are both out of date and invalid as a result of that. Trying to claim “well, older Science documents had it” misses the point of how Science works and operates
Many people haven’t clued in about how IQ Testing is Psuedo-Scientific Woo-woo, and informing people of such appears to not work. So a better answer would be to just better label what the results from an IQ Test actually mean. As lets be honest… nobody understands what those numbers actually mean in the current system. Least off all the stupid morons who repeat them gleefully like their new name is 142IQ now
And yes, I understand that the people I am calling idiots, fools and morons are people happily reporting scores usually associated with Genius levels of testing. It is because if you get that high score and are stupid enough to repeat it like it means something — you are a total fucking retard
Some of the biggest retards out there are people who test at Genius levels. Mostly because they think that the meaningless number they got precludes them from hubris and they are now infallible in their decision making. Which has them end up, invariably, being more stupid than anybody with a lower test result
Maybe with these modifications IQ Tests can land in the same heap as Zener Card Tests — which Zener Card Tests actually have the positive of being ran in conjunction with Flash Cards as a form of “guess measurement” to improve Flash Card usage… so that would have Zener Cards being MORE useful than IQ Tests
So here we go — we can use this to create a scenario where people will be less fooled by the “But the Irish” Defense